diff --git a/src/api/end-user/content-types/end-user/schema.json b/src/api/end-user/content-types/end-user/schema.json
index f68c8a6..48597d3 100644
--- a/src/api/end-user/content-types/end-user/schema.json
+++ b/src/api/end-user/content-types/end-user/schema.json
@@ -62,6 +62,36 @@
     "httpResposneEmailBody": {
       "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpsRequestIsVerifiedBody": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpRequestIsVerifiedHeaders": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpRequestIsVerifiedUrl": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpRequestIsVerifiedMethod": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpResposneIsVerifiedBody": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpsLoginOtpRequestBody": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpLoginOtpRequestHeaders": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpLoginOtpRequestUrl": {
+      "type": "text"
+    },
+    "httpLoginOtpRequestMethod": {
+      "type": "string"
+    },
+    "httpLoginOtpResposneBody": {
+      "type": "string"
diff --git a/src/api/end-user/controllers/end-user.js b/src/api/end-user/controllers/end-user.js
index 39142dd..dadc83d 100644
--- a/src/api/end-user/controllers/end-user.js
+++ b/src/api/end-user/controllers/end-user.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module.exports = factories.createCoreController(
     // Method 1: Creating an entirely custom action
     async finishEndUserOtpVerification(ctx) {
       const { mobileNo, oneTimePassword } = ctx.request.body;
+      // console.log(">>>>>> One", ctx.request.body);
       // 1. Identify the end-user record using the above.
       const endUser = await strapi.query("api::end-user.end-user").findOne({
         populate: ["user"],
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module.exports = factories.createCoreController(
       if (!endUser) {
         throw new ValidationError("Invalid mobile number.");
+      // console.log(" >>>> two ", endUser);
       // 2. Then identify the user record using step 1.
       // 3. Verify otp.
       const user = await strapi
@@ -54,6 +54,35 @@ module.exports = factories.createCoreController(
         throw new ValidationError("Code provided is not valid.");
+      try {
+        console.log("inside try",user.email);
+        const spretoLeadData = await strapi
+          .service("api::end-user.end-user")
+          .sendLeadToSperto({...endUser, email: user.email}, 'Y');
+        // console.log("spretoLeadData.data", spretoLeadData.data);
+        ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedHeaders = JSON.stringify(
+          spretoLeadData.headers
+        );
+        ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedMethod = spretoLeadData.config.method;
+        ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedUrl = spretoLeadData.config.url;
+        ctx.request.body.httpsRequestIsVerifiedBody = spretoLeadData.config.data;
+        ctx.request.body.httpResposneIsVerifiedBody = JSON.stringify(
+          spretoLeadData.data
+        );
+        ctx.request.body.thirdPartyApiError = false;
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.log(error);
+        ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedHeaders = JSON.stringify(
+          error.config.headers
+        );
+        ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedMethod = error.config.method;
+        ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedUrl = error.config.url;
+        ctx.request.body.httpsRequestIsVerifiedBody = error.config.data;
+        ctx.request.body.httpResposneIsVerifiedBody = JSON.stringify(error.message);
+        ctx.request.body.thirdPartyApiError = true;
+      }
       // 4. stamp otp in user to null.
       await getService("user").edit(user.id, {
         oneTimePassword: null,
@@ -64,20 +93,25 @@ module.exports = factories.createCoreController(
       await strapi.entityService.update("api::end-user.end-user", endUser.id, {
         data: {
           publishedAt: new Date(),
+          httpRequestIsVerifiedHeaders: ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedHeaders,
+          httpsRequestIsVerifiedBody: ctx.request.body.httpsRequestIsVerifiedBody,
+          httpRequestIsVerifiedUrl: ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedUrl,
+          httpRequestIsVerifiedMethod: ctx.request.body.httpRequestIsVerifiedMethod,
+          httpResposneIsVerifiedBody: ctx.request.body.httpResposneIsVerifiedBody
       // TODO: at this point we might have to invoke a Hiranandani API to send the newly registered user there.
       ctx.send({ ok: true, message: "user registered" });
     // Wrapping a core action (leaves core logic in place)
     async create(ctx) {
-      console.log("ctx.request.body", ctx.request.body);
+      // console.log("ctx.request.body", ctx.request.body);
       try {
         const spretoLeadData = await strapi
-          .sendLeadToSperto(ctx.request.body.data);
+          .sendLeadToSperto(ctx.request.body.data, 'N');
         // console.log("spretoLeadData.data", spretoLeadData.data);
         ctx.request.body.data.httpRequestHeaders = JSON.stringify(
@@ -112,6 +146,7 @@ module.exports = factories.createCoreController(
       const oneTimePassword = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);
       const emailToSend = {
+        oneTimePassword: oneTimePassword,
         to: ctx.request.body.data.email,
         from: `contact@hiranandani.net`,
         // replyTo: undefined,
diff --git a/src/api/end-user/services/end-user.js b/src/api/end-user/services/end-user.js
index 787fba1..2ac8e75 100644
--- a/src/api/end-user/services/end-user.js
+++ b/src/api/end-user/services/end-user.js
@@ -7,80 +7,82 @@ const { default: axios } = require("axios");
 const { createCoreService } = require("@strapi/strapi").factories;
-module.exports = createCoreService("api::end-user.end-user",
-({ strapi: Strapi }) => ({
-  async sendLeadToSperto(data) {
-    // console.log(">>>",data);
-    const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
-    const leadData = {
-      api_key: process.env.SPERTO_API_KEY,
-      lead_category: "W",
-      campaign_key: process.env.CAMPAIGN_KEY,
-      customer_name: data.fullName,
-      mobile1_isd: "",
-      mobile_no1: data.mobileNo,
-      email_id1: data.email,
-      otp_verified_yn: "N",
-    };
-    // console.log("lead data", leadData);
-    // if (data.comments) {
-    //   leadData.comments = data.comments;
-    // }
-    if (data?.project) {
-      const projectData = await strapi.db
-        .query("api::project.project")
-        .findOne({
-          where: {
-            id: data?.project,
-          },
-        });
-      leadData.project_name = projectData.projectName;
-    }
+module.exports = createCoreService(
+  "api::end-user.end-user",
+  ({ strapi: Strapi }) => ({
+    async sendLeadToSperto(data, isVerified) {
+      console.log(">>>>>>>",data);
+      const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
+      const leadData = {
+        api_key: process.env.SPERTO_API_KEY,
+        lead_category: "W",
+        campaign_key: process.env.CAMPAIGN_KEY,
+        customer_name: data.fullName,
+        mobile1_isd: "",
+        mobile_no1: data.mobileNo,
+        email_id1: data.email,
+        otp_verified_yn: isVerified,
+      };
+      console.log("lead data", leadData);
+      // if (data.comments) {
+      //   leadData.comments = data.comments;
+      // }
+      if (data?.project) {
+        const projectData = await strapi.db
+          .query("api::project.project")
+          .findOne({
+            where: {
+              id: data?.project,
+            },
+          });
+        leadData.project_name = projectData.projectName;
+      }
-    const spertoLeadResponse = await axios.post(
-      "https://net4hgc.sperto.co.in/_api/api_auth_post_lead_json.php",
-      leadData,
-      { headers: headers }
-    );
-    console.log("spertoLeadResponse",spertoLeadResponse);
-    return spertoLeadResponse;
-  },
+      const spertoLeadResponse = await axios.post(
+        "https://net4hgc.sperto.co.in/_api/api_auth_post_lead_json.php",
+        leadData,
+        { headers: headers }
+      );
+      console.log("spertoLeadResponse", spertoLeadResponse);
+      return spertoLeadResponse;
+    },
-  async sendOTPToSpreto(data) {
-    console.log("OTP error", data);
-    const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
-    const otpDetails = {
-      api_key: process.env.SPERTO_API_KEY,
-      from_name: "Hiranandani",
-      from_mail: data.emailToSend.from,
-      to: data.emailToSend.to,
-      subject: data.emailToSend.subject,
-      body: data.emailToSend.html,
-      // lead_category: "W",
-      // campaign_key: process.env.CAMPAIGN_KEY,
-      // customer_name: data.fullName,
-      // mobile1_isd: "",
-      // mobile_no1: data.mobileNumber,
-      // email_id1: data.email,
-      // otp_verified_yn: "N",
-    };
-    console.log("OTPDETAILS", otpDetails);
-    const spertoResponse = await axios.post(
-      "https://net4hgc.sperto.co.in/_api/api_auth_send_mail.php",
-      otpDetails,
-      { headers: headers }
-    );
-      console.log("spertoResponse",spertoResponse);
-    return spertoResponse;
-    // return ;
-  },
+    async sendOTPToSpreto(data) {
+      // console.log("OTP data", data);
+      const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
+      const otpDetails = {
+        api_key: process.env.SPERTO_API_KEY,
+        from_name: "Hiranandani",
+        from_mail: data.emailToSend.from,
+        to: data.emailToSend.to,
+        subject: data.emailToSend.subject,
+        body: data.emailToSend.html,
+        // lead_category: "W",
+        // campaign_key: process.env.CAMPAIGN_KEY,
+        // customer_name: data.fullName,
+        // mobile1_isd: "",
+        // mobile_no1: data.mobileNumber,
+        // email_id1: data.email,
+        // otp_verified_yn: "N",
+      };
+      // console.log("OTPDETAILS", otpDetails);
+      await axios.get(`http://vas.themultimedia.in/domestic/sendsms/bulksms.php?username=OSAPI&password=os123456&type=TEXT&sender=HROTPs&entityId=1101407690000029629&templateId=1507166789848358346&mobile=${data.mobileNo}&message=Dear%20${data.fullName}%0AYour%20OTP%20for%20Hiranandani%20Exclusive%20website%20login%20is%20${data.emailToSend.oneTimePassword}%0AValid%20for%2010%20minute%20Please%20do%20not%20share%20this%20OTP.%0ARegards%2C%0AHiranandani%20Team.`)
+      const spertoResponse = await axios.post(
+        "https://net4hgc.sperto.co.in/_api/api_auth_send_mail.php",
+        otpDetails,
+        { headers: headers }
+      );
+      // console.log("spertoResponse", spertoResponse);
+      return spertoResponse;
+      // return ;
+    },
+  })
 // module.exports = createCoreService(
 //   "api::end-user.end-user",
 //   ({ strapi: Strapi }) => ({
 //     //   ({ strapi: Strapi }) => ({async sendLeadToSperto(data) {
 //     //     console.log(data);
 //     //     const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
@@ -117,4 +119,3 @@ module.exports = createCoreService("api::end-user.end-user",
 //     //   }})
 //   })
 // );
diff --git a/src/api/lead/services/lead.js b/src/api/lead/services/lead.js
index d458096..6ff4a86 100644
--- a/src/api/lead/services/lead.js
+++ b/src/api/lead/services/lead.js
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module.exports = createCoreService("api::lead.lead", ({ strapi: Strapi }) => ({
       { headers: headers }
     return spertoResponse;
diff --git a/src/extensions/users-permissions/strapi-server.js b/src/extensions/users-permissions/strapi-server.js
index 38a23c0..6d87dac 100644
--- a/src/extensions/users-permissions/strapi-server.js
+++ b/src/extensions/users-permissions/strapi-server.js
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ const {
 } = require("@strapi/plugin-users-permissions/server/controllers/validation/auth");
 const { getService } = require("@strapi/plugin-users-permissions/server/utils");
+const { default: axios } = require("axios");
 const sanitizeUser = (user, ctx) => {
   const { auth } = ctx.state;
@@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
     const pluginStore = await strapi.store({
       type: "plugin",
       name: "users-permissions",
@@ -48,19 +48,12 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
     //   },
     // });
-    const endUser = await strapi
-      .query("api::end-user.end-user")
-      .findOne({
-        populate: ["user"],
-        where: {
-          $and: [
-            { publishedAt: { $notNull: true } },
-            { mobileNo: mobileNumber },
-          ],
-        },
-      });
+    const endUser = await strapi.query("api::end-user.end-user").findOne({
+      populate: ["user"],
+      where: {
+        $and: [{ publishedAt: { $notNull: true } }, { mobileNo: mobileNumber }],
+      },
+    });
     if (!endUser) {
       throw new ValidationError(
@@ -71,7 +64,7 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
     // Find the linked user next.
     const user = await strapi
-      .findOne({where:{ id: endUser.user.id }});
+      .findOne({ where: { id: endUser.user.id } });
     if (!user || user.blocked) {
       throw new ValidationError("Unable to resolve user linked to end user.");
@@ -82,32 +75,77 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
     const oneTimePassword = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);
     const emailToSend = {
       to: user.email,
-      from:
-        resetPasswordSettings.from.email || resetPasswordSettings.from.name
-          ? `${resetPasswordSettings.from.name} <${resetPasswordSettings.from.email}>`
-          : undefined,
+      from: `contact@hiranandani.net`,
       replyTo: resetPasswordSettings.response_email,
       subject: `Your one time password is: ${oneTimePassword}`,
       text: `Hello ${endUser.fullName}, Your one time password to login to your partner portal is ${oneTimePassword}`,
-      html: `<p>Hello ${endUser.fullName}, <br></br>Your one time password to login to the hiranandani offers portal is ${oneTimePassword}</p><br /> Best Regards, <br /> Team Hiranandani.`,
+      html: `<p>Dear ${endUser.fullName},
+        Your OTP for Hiranandani Exclusive website login is <strong>${oneTimePassword}</strong> . Valid for 10 minutes. Please do not
+        share this OTP.
+        Regards,
+        Hiranandani Team.`,
     // NOTE: Update the user before sending the email so an Admin can generate the link if the email fails
-    const updateUser=await getService("user").edit(user.id, {
+    const updateUser = await getService("user").edit(user.id, {
       oneTimePassword: `${oneTimePassword}`,
+    const headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json" };
+    const otpDetails = {
+      api_key: process.env.SPERTO_API_KEY,
+      from_name: "Hiranandani",
+      from_mail: emailToSend.from,
+      to: emailToSend.to,
+      subject: emailToSend.subject,
+      body: emailToSend.html,
+    };
+    await strapi.plugin("email").service("email").send(emailToSend);
+    await axios.get(
+      `http://vas.themultimedia.in/domestic/sendsms/bulksms.php?username=OSAPI&password=os123456&type=TEXT&sender=HROTPs&entityId=1101407690000029629&templateId=1507166789848358346&mobile=${mobileNumber}&message=Dear%20${endUser.fullName}%0AYour%20OTP%20for%20Hiranandani%20Exclusive%20website%20login%20is%20${oneTimePassword}%0AValid%20for%2010%20minute%20Please%20do%20not%20share%20this%20OTP.%0ARegards%2C%0AHiranandani%20Team.`
+    );
+    ctx.send({ ok: true, message: "otp sent" });
+    console.log("ctx.request.body",ctx.request.body);
+    try {
+      const spertoResponse = await axios.post(
+        "https://net4hgc.sperto.co.in/_api/api_auth_send_mail.php",
+        otpDetails,
+        { headers: headers }
+      );
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpRequestHeaders = JSON.stringify(
+        spertoResponse.headers
+      );
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpRequestMethod = spertoResponse.config.method;
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpRequestlUrl = spertoResponse.config.url;
+      ctx.request.body.httpsLoginOtpRequestBody = spertoResponse.config.data;
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpResposneBody = JSON.stringify(
+        spertoResponse.data
+      );
+      ctx.request.body.thirdPartyApiError = false;
+      console.log("spertoResponse", spertoResponse);
+      return spertoResponse;
+    } catch (error) {
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpRequestHeaders = JSON.stringify(
+        error.config.headers
+      );
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpRequestMethod = error.config.method;
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpRequestlUrl = error.config.url;
+      ctx.request.body.httpsLoginOtpRequestBody = error.config.data;
+      ctx.request.body.httpLoginOtpResposneBody = JSON.stringify(
+        error.message
+      );
+      ctx.request.body.thirdPartyApiError = true;
+    }
     // Send an email to the user.
-    await strapi.plugin("email").service("email").send(emailToSend);
     // await getService("user").sendOTPOnEmail(emailToSend);
     // TODO: Send SMS.
-    ctx.send({ ok: true, message: "otp sent" });
   plugin.controllers.user.finishEndUserOtpLogin = async (ctx) => {
@@ -136,8 +174,6 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
     // Find the linked user next.
     const user = await strapi.query("plugin::users-permissions.user").findOne({
       where: {
@@ -152,7 +188,7 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
       oneTimePassword: null,
       password: oneTimePassword,
     ctx.send({ ok: true, message: "otp updated" });
@@ -190,10 +226,10 @@ const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => {
-    // Find the linked user next.    
+    // Find the linked user next.
     const user = await strapi
-      .findOne({where:{ id: channelPartner.user.id }});
+      .findOne({ where: { id: channelPartner.user.id } });
     if (!user || user.blocked) {
       throw new ValidationError(