const utils = require("@strapi/utils"); const _ = require("lodash"); const { sanitize } = utils; const { ApplicationError } = utils.errors; const { validateRegisterBody, } = require("@strapi/plugin-users-permissions/server/controllers/validation/auth"); const sanitizeUser = (user, ctx) => { const { auth } = ctx.state; const userSchema = strapi.getModel("plugin::users-permissions.user"); return sanitize.contentAPI.output(user, userSchema, { auth }); }; const userPermissionExtension = (plugin) => { /** Example of overriding and adding a new endpoint, check the section where we have registered this as a route below. */ plugin.controllers.user.updateMe = (ctx) => { =; return plugin.controllers.user.update(ctx); }; /** Example of overriding an existing route. */ plugin.controllers.auth.register = async (ctx) => { const pluginStore = await{ type: "plugin", name: "users-permissions", }); const settings = await pluginStore.get({ key: "advanced" }); if (!settings.allow_register) { throw new ApplicationError("Register action is currently disabled"); } const params = { ..._.omit(ctx.request.body, [ "confirmed", "blocked", "confirmationToken", "resetPasswordToken", "provider", ]), provider: "local", }; await validateRegisterBody(params); // We have added the ability to choose the role. // This is the customisation that we wanted to do to make this possible const newUserRole = params?.role ? params?.role : settings.default_role; // the query was also changed to apply a query on "name" rather than the default "type". const role = await strapi .query("plugin::users-permissions.role") .findOne({ where: { name: newUserRole } }); if (!role) { throw new ApplicationError("Impossible to find the default role"); } // @ts-ignore const { email, username, provider } = params; const identifierFilter = { $or: [ { email: email.toLowerCase() }, { username: email.toLowerCase() }, { username }, { email: username }, ], }; const conflictingUserCount = await strapi .query("plugin::users-permissions.user") .count({ where: { ...identifierFilter, provider }, }); if (conflictingUserCount > 0) { throw new ApplicationError("Email or Username are already taken"); } if (settings.unique_email) { const conflictingUserCount = await strapi .query("plugin::users-permissions.user") .count({ where: { ...identifierFilter }, }); if (conflictingUserCount > 0) { throw new ApplicationError("Email or Username are already taken"); } } let newUser = { ...params, role:, email: email.toLowerCase(), username, confirmed: !settings.email_confirmation, }; const user = await strapi .plugin("users-permissions") .service("user") .add(newUser); const sanitizedUser = await sanitizeUser(user, ctx); if (settings.email_confirmation) { try { await strapi .plugin("users-permissions") .service("user") .sendConfirmationEmail(sanitizedUser); } catch (err) { throw new ApplicationError(err.message); } return ctx.send({ user: sanitizedUser }); } const jwt = strapi .plugin("users-permissions") .service("jwt") .issue(_.pick(user, ["id"])); return ctx.send({ jwt, user: sanitizedUser, }); }; plugin.routes["content-api"].routes.push({ method: "PUT", path: "/users/me", handler: "user.updateMe", }); return plugin; }; module.exports = userPermissionExtension;